UK Labour Election For Leader
An Analysis by Vaughan Gethin, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services
The 2019 general election was a disaster for the Labour Party. Our worst result since 1935. More than that, it was disaster for the very people that our party was created to serve. We are further away from leading the UK government that at any point in my adult life.
The next UK leader has a mountain to climb. Who they are will have a real influence on Welsh Labour’s prospects, in 2021 and beyond. We are the most successful part of the UK Labour family over the last decade in terms of winning elections and running a national government. However, none of that can be taken for granted. An unpopular UK leader could make our task much much harder next May.
The first and most important attribute the next UK leader must have is the ability to fulfil the mission of our party — to become a party of government again across the UK, not just a party of protest. I want someone who can implement our labour values in government, not just talk about them.
That requires some honesty about why we took such a beating at the general election, together with the willingness and strength to do something about it. Offering more of the same would be a betrayal of people who need a UK Labour government and condemn the UK [or what is left of it] to a further decade of the Tories.
We didn’t get hammered in 2019 for one reason alone — there were a number of them. Agreeing to the election in the first place when we plainly were not prepared. Agreeing to an election certain to be dominated by Brexit. Our vacillation on Brexit when people wanted certainty and leadership. The factional infighting. The demonisation of the last UK Labour government, as if that would encourage people to vote for us. I grew up with 18 Tory years in power and I know that following Labour’s victory in 1997, things really did get better.
An overloaded manifesto with some popular policies, but without a key central message. A costed manifesto that then had a huge extra spending pledge added to it, meaning that people didn’t believe that we were serious or credible one even the policies they liked. A staggeringly inept UK campaign that wasted the amazing dedication of our volunteers, prepared to go out in the cold and rain to campaign. Our abject failure on anti-semitism. This and much more.
Many people recognised that Boris Johnson is a dishonest man who is completely out of touch with most people’s lives. Lots of people still voted for him or refused to vote Labour because they could not trust and support us. Our own people — long term Labour voters — struggled to support us. Our leader was undeniably part of the reason why. Blaming our defeat solely on the mainstream media or whichever side of the Brexit divide we favour isn’t honest and will not help us to win in the future.
I don’t much care whether someone claims they are from the left, soft left, centre or old right of the Labour Party. We all have a stake in our party and the countries of the UK. There are serious times and we need a serious figure who can nail the Tories and the clown in number 10.
I’ve been interested in what Lisa Nandy has to say and believe that Lisa and many other figures have a key role to play in rebuilding our party — first as a credible opposition, then as a credible alternative Government at the next UK General Election.
However, I think the person best placed to win the argument, and even more importantly to help us win an election, is Keir Starmer. It’s not the protesting, or the taking part that counts. It’s the winning and the decisions you get to make in Government that can change peoples’ lives and change the country for the better.