Welsh Fabians
1 min readDec 30, 2022

Welsh Fabian articles July to December


Biodiversity, the big picture- Carolyn Thomas MS

Dog breed specific legislation- Christina Rees MP

Education a route out of poverty- John Griffiths MS

Senedd budget the need to plan long term- Mike Hedges MS

Energy costs- Jack Sargeant MS


Levelling up- Mike Hedges MS

Shark finning- Christina Rees MP

Reflections of a new Councillor- Cllr Catherine Fookes

Climate change and housing a reflection of the challenges- Adam West


The changing world, the creation of new countries- Mike Hedges MS

While Truss blames workers for Tory productivity crisis, Labour has a plan for growth — Stephen Kinnock MP

Energy crisis and a solution — Mike Hedges MS


Environment- Mike Hedges MS

We need further council house building- Mike Hedges MS

The view of a former postal worker- Carolyn Thomas MS


White ribbon day 2022- Jack Sargeant MS

When governments fall and why- Mike Hedges MS


Post European funding- Mike Hedges MS

Everyone deserves a Christmas — Carolyn Harris MP

Shark Fins bill- Christina Rees MP

Welsh Fabians
Welsh Fabians

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