Welsh young Fabians
Daniel Jones
Mae Cymru’n gwlad arbennig, Wales is a special country. Its ancient name comes from ‘fellow kin’ and it is that spirit of community which has helped Wales play a special role in the story of progressive politics and social democracy. From its early contributions to Chartism and the trade union movement to Keir Hardie’s election in Merthyr Tydfil as one of the first Labour Westminster MP’s. From Aneurin Bevan, founder of a National Health Service inspired by the Tredegar Medical Society, to a modern Welsh Labour government; Wales has been at the forefront.
Our country has also made invaluable contributions to Fabianism, not least through one of its greatest sons, Jim Griffiths, a Fabian, the First Secretary of State for Wales, and a key architect of the post-war Welfare state alongside Aneurin Bevan. It is thus a delight to see Fabians Cymru re-established and, hopefully, this spirit continues. Alongside this, there can be few better examples of Welsh Fabian spirit than passing the groundbreaking Wellbeing of Future Generations Act in 2015. An inspirational law that commits our public bodies and institutions to a holistic and sustainable form of development in stark contrast to the historical pursuit of economic growth at all costs.
The vision of the Act is laid out in Seven Wellbeing Goals that describe a future Wales that is prosperous, resilient, globally responsible, more equal, healthier and that has cohesive communities, a vibrant culture, and a thriving Welsh language. This is a vision for the future but the work to achieve it begins now. Crucial to this work, will be the ideas, passion, and voice of the future. Thus, it is also a delight to oversee the launch of Fabians Ifanc Cymru, the Young Welsh Fabians to help in this endeavour.
Our mission will be to serve as a youth think-tank that develops political ideas and public policies for Welsh Labour and the Labour Party, as part of the Fabian family. Specifically, we will work to develop a progressive, radical, and sustainable prospectus, inspired by the Future Manifestos already being produced by the Future Generations Commission. This will be a continual process. A process that is ambitious towards the current devolution settlement and that also looks beyond it. We will work in an open, respectful, and pluralistic way and engage views from across Welsh labour, the wider labour movement, the voluntary and charity sector, and academia. Finally, we will embed the Welsh language in our work with an ambition to be as bilingual as possible.
To make this work a success, we need as much help as possible with any Fabian member under 31 who lives or studies in Wales, or who has a connection to the country, being eligible to join us. We will welcome any such person and appreciate any time and enthusiasm that can be offered. We’re particularly keen to represent the diversity we have in Wales to ensure our ideas are as relevant as possible. The Young Fabians (http://youngfabians.org.uk) also do a lot at a UK-level through a variety of policy networks and advocacy groups and would also love to have any Fabian members under 31 get involved with their work.
Our own plans are to host an informal virtual meeting in the evening of the 16th of March to gauge interest and discuss our plans as well as those of the Young Fabians and Welsh Fabians. We will then be joining Fabians Cymru on the 6th of April for a launch event featuring a panel discussion on the cost-of-living crisis in Wales. We hope to then have regular meetings as a group and to undertake an event and social this Summer. Eventually, in line with the Young Fabians Constitution, we will hold a formal annual meeting in the New Year where formal officers can be elected to take the group forwards into the future.
For more information or to get involved please feel free to contact the Welsh Office for the Young Fabians (daniel.jones@youngfabians.org.uk). We will also be re-establishing our mailing list, presence on the Young Fabians website (http://youngfabians.org.uk), and Twitter page soon. Ymlaen!
Daniel Jones is the Welsh young Fabians convenor